Resolutions. They stem from the idea of positive change and leading better lives. But somehow there's so much negativity and angst wrapped up with them. Probably because most people think of resolutions as another word for deprivation.
But what if there is a better way? What if we could shift our thinking about resolutions and treat ourselves to small steps toward positive change?
A Huffington Post article makes the case for this kinder, gentler approach to resolutions. It focuses on positive ways to help you reset your mind, body, health and wellness in 2018. Here's some examples...
To reset your:
Schedule - Make time for the “fun stuff” -- It's just as important as all the other stuff!
Creativity - Try a dream journal -- Make it easy so it's not a chore but truly a release
Imagination - Give up on that book you’ve been lumbering through -- It's okay. Give yourself permission!
Energy - Go to sleep earlier -- Take care of you and your health
Diet - Focus on adding one thing in -- Love this! It doesn't have to be about deprivation
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