As the calendar flips to August, it's inevitable that thoughts also turn to
Back to School season. But if your kids have a summer camp or trip to Grandma's house still planned, there's a few important things you need to make sure they pack to stay healthy and safe.
- Health Insurance - It's the last thing you think about until you need it but always good to send as a precaution. Make sure your kid's camp or grandparent has a copy of their health insurance card, as well as a medical authorization, signed by both parents, so their caregiver can seek emergency medical treatment should they need it. Fingers crossed they won't.
- Allergy Medication - Check your current EpiPen® or other allergy treatment expiration date and then make sure it gets handed off to the appropriate person at camp or Grandma's house. Again prevention is the best medicine. The Style Rx case is a safe way to transport it and prevent it from accidentally triggering inside a duffel bag.
Vitamins & Probiotics - Seems benign enough but little systems can become reliant on their at-home routines. So help them and yourself by putting the appropriate dose of their vitamins and/or probiotics in a pill box case for the number of days they're gone. Again, the Style Rx pill box case is perfect for keeping your kids on track while they're away.
A little pre-planning can keep them healthy so you can enjoy a little down time. Enjoy!
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