It's seems nearly inevitable that once you pass a certain age you will rely on a handful of
medications to manage whichever disease or chronic health issue(s) impacts you most severely and diminishes your quality of life. For better or worse, it's how our health care system is set-up - cure disease rather than prevent it.
However, we're also fortunate to live in a time where increasingly more information is being pieced together on how to prevent diseases that often present themselves as we age. Large gaps in the wellness and
prevention puzzle are being filled in and hopefully promising us an increasingly active, healthy lifestyle not limited by age.
Inspired by Dawn we're big believers in how we eat, sleep, exercise and interact with the world around us on a daily basis can, and will, have an impact on our future health and wellness. We have choices everyday and those choices add up. And those choices don't always have to be a bummer. It doesn't have to be ice cream or spinach! It can be easy, healthful and often tasty trade-offs that we decide to make to feel better now and for a long time to come.
So, we're going to rededicate ourselves to sharing easy, helpful changes that we can all make to help prevent diseases like cancer, alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, and others, and hopefully live more healthful and active lives for much, much longer.
Here's to health!
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