As researchers continue to uncover the links between
sleep and health, getting enough ZZZs becomes increasingly important. After all, on an average week are you getting 7+ hours of sleep per night? Most of us aren't. Then you add in events we can't control, like
Daylight Savings time, and it's a recipe for a very drowsy Monday.
So to help you stave off a groggier than usual start to the week, we've put together a plan that you can start now to help you get the sleep you need and feel refreshed on Monday.
Now through Friday |
- Go to bed earlier than your normal time - even 10 minutes each day can make a difference
Saturday |
Exercise outdoors so you get the sunlight and fresh air your body craves and expend some energy
- Exercise early enough in the day that your body's temp can cool down enough to enable you to sleep
Sunday |
- Get up at your normal time so your body can adjust to the time and light shift
- Go for a morning walk, ideally an hour or longer, again so can give your body a chance to adjust to the sunlight and help reset your body clock
- If all else fails, consider taking melatonin one hour before bed to help you get the rest you need
Monday |
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