4 Nutrition Tips to Easily Adopt for a Healthier, More Balanced You

Inspired by Dawn shares nutritionist tips for a healthier, more balanced you

Like it or not, but so much of living a healthy and active life is about planning and organization. Life is busy for all of us. But taking a little time to plan better habits usually produces out-sized health benefits. Scheduling exercise into your day, planning and shopping for a few meals at home each week, and prioritizing sleep go a long way to a healthier, more balanced you.

So to make the meal part of this equation just a little easier, we're sharing a Huffington Post article about what nutrition tips registered dietitians focus on in their daily lives. Here's a couple of our favorites that are the most accessible for all of us.

  • Have A Plan of Action. “It’s all about being armed with streamlined recipes, planning for the week, and having a calculated grocery list to stock your pantry strategically. A well-stocked pantry also helps with last-minute meals at a moment’s notice."
  • Plan, Prepare and Store Healthy Meals for the Week. “...take 3 to 4 hours on a day that you have some extra time to cook 4-5 healthy meals for the week. Store those meals in the refrigerator so that you and your family can just reheat, eat and go..."
  • Get Real with Your Food. “Cook as much as you can” and "Just get real with your food..."
  • Quality Over Quantity. Don't “worry about calories or fat and focus on eating whole foods that are prepared simply.”

The theme is plan ahead to eat at home with real food as often as you can. You're body and mind will thank you.

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