It's often said that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day but let's face it green is not necessarily the most fashion-forward color and too much of it can easily go from a do to don't quite quickly. So we set out to find a few last minute ways to incorporate the luck of the Irish into your Thursday style.
- Start with any green and white clothing you have on hand - White tee or button-down, green sweater in any shade or green skirt that channels spring
- Accessories for go-to style - Layer on some gold jewelry, tie on a spring green scarf, slip on some gold ballet flats or grab your Style Rx in the Inspiration design
- Be judicious with your use of green and gold - Like Coco Chanel said, "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory." This is always good advice but most especially when combining green and gold. Less is more.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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